Loki was the mischief maker and jester in Norse mythology. I had a puppy named Loki. I knew that his Labrador body and Cocker Spaniel legs would make me smile every day. I was still smiling 14 years later. Being of Scandinavian descent, I chose the Nordic Rune symbolizing "Loki" as my logo. I know, I know, it looks like a crooked "F". If I had been creating the Runes, I would have made it look like a big dog with short legs.
Like Loki, my artistic endeavors make me smile. I never take myself too seriously, and love to incorporate elements of surprise and humor into my designs. My personal adage, "You CAN teach an old dog new tricks," is evident in the use of antique silverware and old copper roofing in my Loki ArtWorks Jewelry. I find great satisfaction in re-using these metals. It is a role I can play in becoming an environmentally responsible member of this planet.
About me: I delight in words, fabric, jewelry, music, photos, and song writing. Having released myself from 11 years of day to day employment, I am exploring facets of my nature that have been poised in readiness; waiting patiently to be acknowledged. After reinventing myself numerous times, I have settled on my present identity as a creator of curiously inspired jewelry in Ft. Collins, Colorado, with my husband; a master at imitating Julia Child, my son; who has flown from our nest, but not our hearts, and two wild and crazy dogs who make me smile, just like Loki used to.